Countries | Shipping Cost | Est. Duties | Duration |
USD $10
Business days |
Delivery duration are estimates. It may take longer due to unforseen circumstances such as COVID impacts.
If importation to your country incurs duties as listed above, you are responsible for those charges from the courier.
For any errors in address or shipment enquiries, please email immediately so we can rectify the issue before the item is posted. Please ensure there are no mistakes in your shipping address as once the item is handed over to our courier, we are unable to reroute packages and unable to process any refunds for these errors.
You will immediately receive a confirmation email once purchase has been made. You will receive a second shipping email with tracking details 48 hours after purchase. Please check your email account to find your confirmation email. If you can't find the email, please check your spam folders or whitelist
Please contact if your item has not arrived after the stated timeframe.
We have a strict no refund policy for change of mind so you acknowledge this upon purchase. Please do not purchase if you are unable to allow for unexpected delays in addition to the stated delivery times.
We do not provide any exchanges due to incorrect sizes, so please use the information in the size guide provided.